I love you to the moon & back...

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

...Your my cuppy-cake, gumdrop, Snoogums-Boogums...

You're my Honeybunch, Sugarplum
Pumpy-umpy-umpkin, You're my Sweetie Pie
You're my Cuppycake, Gumdrop
Snoogums-Boogums, You're the Apple of my Eye
And I love you so and I want you to know
That I'll always be right here
And I love to sing sweet songs to you
Because you are so dear

So Ragan agreed with me that a cupcake was a good ideas for halloween. What do you think? We loved it!

She might be the sassiest cupcake you ever did meet tho...


Ragan& Maddie at the ward Halloween party.

-Hello Ragan-
Thank you for the Shirt Dodie, it couldnt have come at a better time!

Halloween party at dance class... dancin away!

Getting ready for the big night... A cupcake and... kip? Great Mustache...!


This is the guys pushing them to the door cause they were scared!

& now looking back, still a little shook up about it

I dont think Ragan and Maddie let go of each others hands...

The whole time!



These pictures are going to be the ones when Ragan gets older and is looking through baby pictures and sees these and will ask me... Why/ how did you let me leave the house like this? Did you not love me? What were you thinking? I look at them and just laugh at how unprepared i was! thinking back on it the moms were probably thinking the same as Ray! heheheh!
This is on our way to dance This is where it gets a little more embarassing! Alright class, were late... as usual! do you see maddie? Right next to Ragan, well they are buddies and love to dance so here we are. Well Maddies mom is actually responsible because you can see how she is dressed. Pink leotard, tutu, tights, tap shoes, ballet shoes and hair pulled back. As you can see ragan has NON of that!! haha! Gymnastics suit, tutu off of her easter basket last year thats too big, no tights, no tap or ballet shoes (o ya its a tap/ballet dance class), but, her hair is out of her eyes at least! Ya it turns out every other mom got the memo! Sorry Ray, Love you, well try next time!

This is some of the moms outside the studio because there are no windows and they dont leave the door open for us to see our little ballerinas. All the moms are outside trying as hard as they can to find a spot in the curtains where there is a crack and they can see their kid! It was so cold outside too, the things we do for our kids! It was funny so i took a picture! All the moms did this the first 4 weeks!
Saturday mornings @ 9:30 - 10:15

Right after class we went and got the leotard, tights & shoes and started on a big poofy tutu. I think we got the hang of it now, even Dad!


here is one when they left the door open for the first 10 min of class.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Ragan's Favorites

Ragan got her first home work assignment. We are supposed to tell the teacher what some of her favorites are:

Book - Love You Forever

Snack - Cheddar Pretzels
(She is unavailable at the moment... watching "toons", shell be back in later!)

A picture of her family

& What she likes to do


My Little Gymnast!

Carolyn let Ray borrow a couple suits she had that are still a little big for Kennedy, Ragan loves them! I told her to pose for me and this is what i got!

Then with a little direction from the professionals... this is what we got,
Thats what we were looking for!




Going For A Ride

So Melissa and Hugh came over to play today and Garth was on his way home from school and noticed they were over so he stopped by on his scooter! Ragan and Hugh jumped on and i had to get the camera!

Ragan got to go on a quick ride and Hugh was not very happy to see someone else in his spot riding off into the sunset, so he followed as close behind as he could!

Excited? I think she enjoyed it!

She was so happy she wanted to do a "pretty picture". This is what she does when she wants me to take a "pretty picture" of her. Sits down bends her knees back and crosses her hands... ya, dont ask where that came from i dont know!!9.8.10

First Day of School

So this is the first day of school and Ragan cant be more excited, me on the other hand... NERVOUS! Ragan picked out this outfit from head to toe all by her self, she had to wear the red shoes because they matched her shirt even though they are too small! This was pretty good considering the day before she came down stairs with a blue plaid skirt and a purple plaid shirt. I look at her and just say wow your lookin colorful today! She said "well mom there is blue on my skirt" and points it out then grabs her shirt and points to the only line of blue and says "see? they match" with the biggest grin on her face knowing she wouldnt have to change because she "matched"!

She was in no mood today for pictures, so you get what you get! She thinks she is pretty funny when she pulls a face at the last second... i think its kinda funny too, but not for long!

Here she is folks... my big girl going to her first day of school, backpack 'n' all!