I love you to the moon & back...

Monday, November 1, 2010

First Day of School

So this is the first day of school and Ragan cant be more excited, me on the other hand... NERVOUS! Ragan picked out this outfit from head to toe all by her self, she had to wear the red shoes because they matched her shirt even though they are too small! This was pretty good considering the day before she came down stairs with a blue plaid skirt and a purple plaid shirt. I look at her and just say wow your lookin colorful today! She said "well mom there is blue on my skirt" and points it out then grabs her shirt and points to the only line of blue and says "see? they match" with the biggest grin on her face knowing she wouldnt have to change because she "matched"!

She was in no mood today for pictures, so you get what you get! She thinks she is pretty funny when she pulls a face at the last second... i think its kinda funny too, but not for long!

Here she is folks... my big girl going to her first day of school, backpack 'n' all!

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