I love you to the moon & back...

Monday, August 30, 2010

My Little Projects

So this is at the bottom of the stairs, just to the right of the door. I painted the mirror frame and i really like it. I think that little corner is done... minus some paint!

Wayne found these lamps in the crawl space upstairs. They were really ugly and i was just gonna trash them but i painted those too and i really like them. I love the shape of them!

K wayne got me piano (YEAH!) and i am having a hard time finding a place for it! HELP... Ideas?

Just disregard the mess, thats what i do!
This pic is from the landing on the stairs...

This is from the hall by the bathroom...

Build - A - Bear

This is Calen Bobbins we took Ray to Build - A - Bear and she loved it! She got to stuff it put a heart in it sew it up give her an air bath choose a shirt for her and give her a name! She hasnt put it down or left the house with out it since Saturday!

I dare anyone to try and tell me this is not the most beautiful little girl... named Ragan! She had discovered how to take pictures and thats what this one is. Almost every time i say okay Ray lets take a picture, after we do she says "Okay mom lets take a picture"!

Finally a hair cut!

Rockin the mullet!

And its begun... he is in the zone and there is no stopping him!
Study time!


Ragans new Dress & Hair Cut

Her new dress that she refuses to take off! Its only been on the last 4 days!! Shes lucky, its just too darn cute i cant make her take it off, except when she goes to bed. Thats when i scrub like a mad woman trying to get everything out. Put it back in the dryer and we go again tomorrow!

Dont tell Daddy, but this is really what we do all day while hes at school!

Making me "yummy soup with salts and Dr. Peppers"

Getting her hair cut... she looks so cute but i about wanted to die when we got home and got a real good look at her. SHE LOOK LIKE SHES 7! That really isnt okay with me, it all hit me at once, shes not a baby any more, shes not a toddler, she is just a big girl... for real. Shes a KID. She is going to be moving out next week, she doesnt need me!!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Awh Yes, the Pig Roast... In Ragans Sand Box!

So this is all the guys, brown shirt - Doug 3rd year & wife does hair. Grey shirt - Creed 4th year next door neighbor & Maddie's dad. Black shirt - Travis 3rd year stayed with him while we were looking for the house, just to put some faces to names, thinking it would be a great idea to roast a pig... in our back yard! so they dug up Ragans sand box (that she loves!), no big deal right? She is asking whats going on and they're like o "Were gonna cook a pig!" she looks at me and says "a real one?" i debated telling her the truth but then replied "O no of course not its just a pretend one!" So later Ray and i drove up the drive way, opened the garage and instead of parking, we ran into to a dead... gutted... raw... bloody... pink pig laying in the garage (did you know they have pink hooves, they're the same color as their body, i didnt know that!). I didnt let Ragan see it at first not knowing if i should show it to her. Not knowing if she was going to be a pretty little princess or one of the boys that day! So i told Wayne to do it, she was fine and even touched it... then asked "why does it have bloods all over it" as she is staring at the inside of a gutless pig, it was gross!

This is the guys unburying the pig, there are a few layers!
1st Dirt...


Cardboard... ya thats steam, i guess all those layers worked!

Then the leaves... Wayne & Creed supervising! haha

Mr. Boss-Man (aluminum foil)

A little more wood & voila. All the wives doubted them... they, the boys, said it was only gonna take 2 hours. But it actually did cook in 2 hours!

They're so proud!

Samples all around!

Then off to Creeds...


$140 & 70 lbs later, Operation Pig Roast - COMPLETE!

Mommy, Ragan, & Pumba showing our teeth!

Pre-Hair Cut Hair do!

This is me trying to be creative with Ragans hair that is lifeless, but beautiful all at the same time! Mom i know you used to say this about my hair before i started putting all sorts of colors in... "Every strand of hair is a different color... its like silk"! But really that is Ragans hair!


White Coat Ceremony

This is where all the dental students got their white coats... officially welcoming them (& us) to the program. Then a run down for all the loved ones to see what we just got our selves into.

This should sum it pretty well...
Its a schedule comparison of their undergrad to their schedules now... well soon to come!
It says:

Undergraduate Schedule:
15-18 hrs/wk, - 1,000 hrs in 4 years

Dental School Schedule:
33-36 hrs/wk - 5,000 hrs in 4 years


(click on the picture to make it bigger if you dont believe me!)
All 90 students were lined up behind the audience, of about 200 people, and were announced one by one by upper class men. Then walked on stage and shook hands with Dean Glick and then Professor Brown, who then put on their jackets. When Wayne went up after they announced him Ragan and i talked about yelling, clapping really loud for him or doing something really obnoxious, so he knew we were listening! But as they were doing all the other names no one was yelling... or clapping. It was really quiet and more of an intimate thing than say, graduation where people are yelling the whole time! So we decided to change our game plan and i told Ragan to yell i love you daddy when he got up. She did it!!! and everyone in the crowd went AAAAWWWHHH, it was pretty funny, Ragan LOVED the reaction! Everyone knew it was Waynes daughter because him and Levi are the only ones married with kids!

After Wayne got his jacket, after Ray said that, Wayne walked past Dean Glick again to go sit down, he (Dean Glick) thought she said "Go daddy" so he was like "Go daddy" in all seriousness!

Daddy and Sassy McSass

Presenting: Dr. Dobbins and Dr. Taylor (Levi, the only other LDS first year!)

Ya i dont know what Ragan & i are looking at but it must have been interesting!

Daddy's First Day of School.... Tear? Nope. Freedom!

Waynes first day of school.... Awe doesnt he look so... studious!

Trying to find something to eat (story of his life!!) haha! just kidding Wayne!!

Ragan missin her daddy already!



Wednesday, August 25, 2010

I was productive today!

i put ragan down for her nap this afternoon and she fell asleep to the - soothing sound of me cleaning her room - bang- crash - smack- bing - pow - bump - ROAR - cling-cling - clang - bump - ding - azooga. After she finally decided it wasnt so soothing she woke up and said "wow mom you did LOTS of cleanin" she could barely keep her eyes open but could tell i did LOTS of cleaning!! I could tell she was still tired so i told her it was okay with me if she closed her eyes again and she mumbled "but only for a little bit" as she passed back out! Haha i thought it was funny!
I should have taken a before and after picture its that big of a difference! HER ROOM WAS A MESS! Even Wayne is like whoa i didnt know her room was this big!

My Sleeping Beauty
Okay this is her tower when you walk in this is what you see and mom i am doing this for you to show you what i did with arranging furniture!! I moved the bed over to the wall as close as i could with out taking the chance that ragan would feel tempted to push the A/C unit out the window! So i put a night stand on the other side of her bed!

She has way too many toys and trying to find a place for all of them is just stupid! so i put all of them in tubs (thank you Shelli for the idea!) and am rotating them but still they take over her room... i guess that the idea tho... right?

I am planning on getting a mount to put the tv on and i will put it in the corner above white wicker baskets in the corner. I just hung up the mirror and its just her height its really cute! She loves it of course.... o ya HAHAHA i had her come in the room so i didnt put it too high. As i am holding it im asking her up or down and she said down so i moved it down and i moved it a centimeter and then she said more down and again and again and it ended up about and inch from the baseboards and i am laughing cause she is standing on her tippy toes looking at her feet and i look at her and she says "its perfect, i can see my shoes!" A daughter after her own mothers heart! i considered leaving it where she wanted but then i decided against it and when i put her to bed tonight she was laying in bed looking at her self in the mirror!

This is her little night stand with all her books

Dun-Da-Da-Dah!! This was a nasty little buggar! its really hot in this closet and we never used it so we put the toy box up against the door. Well i was brave and scooted the toy box inside and he we have a real closet (soon to be bathroom!) for all her toys and dress-up junk!!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Ragans new Friends!

This is Ragans new little boy friend! Hughe lives right around the corner from us and their parents are 4th years, Hughe is about 2 1/2 and they love playing with each other. We went over there last night and Ragan wont stop harassing me. "Can we go to that boys house again... Hughe -B's"! It really is too cute!!

Ragan actually let him hold the phone to watch a movie... that's true love right there! HAHA!

This is Pumba - we roasted a pig in Rays sandbox! (ill post more pictures on it!!)

Ragan & Tatum - Caroline and Levi's (other first years) daughter and she is about 4 months. Ragan loves to just stare at her and wants to bring her to "our house"!

Ragan & maddie (they love each other!) she is Creed and Tiffany's (2 houses down, 4th years) little one and she is just about 2. Cutest little thang in the world... well besides Ragan of course! but the 2 of them are too cute for words !