I love you to the moon & back...

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

I was productive today!

i put ragan down for her nap this afternoon and she fell asleep to the - soothing sound of me cleaning her room - bang- crash - smack- bing - pow - bump - ROAR - cling-cling - clang - bump - ding - azooga. After she finally decided it wasnt so soothing she woke up and said "wow mom you did LOTS of cleanin" she could barely keep her eyes open but could tell i did LOTS of cleaning!! I could tell she was still tired so i told her it was okay with me if she closed her eyes again and she mumbled "but only for a little bit" as she passed back out! Haha i thought it was funny!
I should have taken a before and after picture its that big of a difference! HER ROOM WAS A MESS! Even Wayne is like whoa i didnt know her room was this big!

My Sleeping Beauty
Okay this is her tower when you walk in this is what you see and mom i am doing this for you to show you what i did with arranging furniture!! I moved the bed over to the wall as close as i could with out taking the chance that ragan would feel tempted to push the A/C unit out the window! So i put a night stand on the other side of her bed!

She has way too many toys and trying to find a place for all of them is just stupid! so i put all of them in tubs (thank you Shelli for the idea!) and am rotating them but still they take over her room... i guess that the idea tho... right?

I am planning on getting a mount to put the tv on and i will put it in the corner above white wicker baskets in the corner. I just hung up the mirror and its just her height its really cute! She loves it of course.... o ya HAHAHA i had her come in the room so i didnt put it too high. As i am holding it im asking her up or down and she said down so i moved it down and i moved it a centimeter and then she said more down and again and again and it ended up about and inch from the baseboards and i am laughing cause she is standing on her tippy toes looking at her feet and i look at her and she says "its perfect, i can see my shoes!" A daughter after her own mothers heart! i considered leaving it where she wanted but then i decided against it and when i put her to bed tonight she was laying in bed looking at her self in the mirror!

This is her little night stand with all her books

Dun-Da-Da-Dah!! This was a nasty little buggar! its really hot in this closet and we never used it so we put the toy box up against the door. Well i was brave and scooted the toy box inside and he we have a real closet (soon to be bathroom!) for all her toys and dress-up junk!!

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