I love you to the moon & back...

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Awh Yes, the Pig Roast... In Ragans Sand Box!

So this is all the guys, brown shirt - Doug 3rd year & wife does hair. Grey shirt - Creed 4th year next door neighbor & Maddie's dad. Black shirt - Travis 3rd year stayed with him while we were looking for the house, just to put some faces to names, thinking it would be a great idea to roast a pig... in our back yard! so they dug up Ragans sand box (that she loves!), no big deal right? She is asking whats going on and they're like o "Were gonna cook a pig!" she looks at me and says "a real one?" i debated telling her the truth but then replied "O no of course not its just a pretend one!" So later Ray and i drove up the drive way, opened the garage and instead of parking, we ran into to a dead... gutted... raw... bloody... pink pig laying in the garage (did you know they have pink hooves, they're the same color as their body, i didnt know that!). I didnt let Ragan see it at first not knowing if i should show it to her. Not knowing if she was going to be a pretty little princess or one of the boys that day! So i told Wayne to do it, she was fine and even touched it... then asked "why does it have bloods all over it" as she is staring at the inside of a gutless pig, it was gross!

This is the guys unburying the pig, there are a few layers!
1st Dirt...


Cardboard... ya thats steam, i guess all those layers worked!

Then the leaves... Wayne & Creed supervising! haha

Mr. Boss-Man (aluminum foil)

A little more wood & voila. All the wives doubted them... they, the boys, said it was only gonna take 2 hours. But it actually did cook in 2 hours!

They're so proud!

Samples all around!

Then off to Creeds...


$140 & 70 lbs later, Operation Pig Roast - COMPLETE!

Mommy, Ragan, & Pumba showing our teeth!

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