I love you to the moon & back...

Monday, August 23, 2010

Ragans new Friends!

This is Ragans new little boy friend! Hughe lives right around the corner from us and their parents are 4th years, Hughe is about 2 1/2 and they love playing with each other. We went over there last night and Ragan wont stop harassing me. "Can we go to that boys house again... Hughe -B's"! It really is too cute!!

Ragan actually let him hold the phone to watch a movie... that's true love right there! HAHA!

This is Pumba - we roasted a pig in Rays sandbox! (ill post more pictures on it!!)

Ragan & Tatum - Caroline and Levi's (other first years) daughter and she is about 4 months. Ragan loves to just stare at her and wants to bring her to "our house"!

Ragan & maddie (they love each other!) she is Creed and Tiffany's (2 houses down, 4th years) little one and she is just about 2. Cutest little thang in the world... well besides Ragan of course! but the 2 of them are too cute for words !

1 comment:

  1. maddie first while ragan looks on then her turn
